Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Music

So, because I was sick last week I missed my first lesson. . . which wasn't all that bad because Justina got to take care of me :-), but I ended up having my first lesson today. . . . . good story eh???? Anywho, this semester shouldn't be too bad music-wise. I have some snare, drum set, timpani, and mallet stuff. Nothing to terribly difficult. The hardest thing so far is a 4-mallet marimba piece. the only thing that makes it hard is that its in bass clef. Me being a trumpet player I am not fluent in bass cleff yet, but I guess it is time to become so!!!! I do hope we get better music for percussion ensemble this semester tho. Those who have heard us in the past know how good we are, but the music picked so far kinda stinks. Luckily Dave is still looking around. Well all, I better get to bed. . . . . Have a pleasant evening

p.s. I am sorry to say that I am becoming quite fond of Starbucks. . . . . Thank you Justina :-D

Friday, January 23, 2009

Last couple days

So, the last couple days of my life have been normal except for one thing. . . . . . MY FRICKEN SWOLLEN TONSILS!!!!! They are alot better, but for 2 days it hurt sooooo much to swallow anything. Even my own saliva. . . . . . So I went to the emergency room and Thankfully I didn't have strep throat. But my tonsils were swollen and had little white puss bubbles on it. mmmmmmm sounds delicious eh? lol But all is better now. It almost doesn't hurt at all anymore. . . . . . Let me tell yeah tho, the last few days were not very pleasant or bossome at all :-D

Friday, January 16, 2009

Winter Vacation

Well. . . . . . Winter Break is almost over. There is one day left which is on Monday. My dad always use to tell me that "the older you ger, the faster life goes." I realize that he is right. . . . . like he usually is about everything. This has been a great break. I had great times with family. Many wonderful times with my girlfriends Justina. Then 2 of my best friennds. Tony and Jon, were back in town for a while and I got to hang with them. The point of this blog is just how fast this break has flown by. One of my favorite quotes of all time is from the great movie, "Ferris Buellers Day Off" and that quote is: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it." So when life feels like its flying by, remember this quote!!!! Have a good Night all